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Clay Soper Memorial Fund Documentary, Mixing Prescription Drugs (Xanax) With Alcohol, Accidental Death College Student Winchester, If They Had Known Documentary, Party Culture Risks Xanax Alcohol



The Student Ambassador Program provides an opportunity for any student to get involved in your showing in whatever capacity they feel comfortable. Engaging students in the planning and structure of the showing helps to strengthen their ability to spread the word among peer groups about the risks outlined in the film.


Encouraging students to invite members of their peer groups, clubs, student organizations, athletic groups, fraternity/ sororities, etc. will also help ensure a robust and meaningful showing. Creating dialogue among students about this toxic trend remains our goal with the documentary program. The more students are involved, the more prepared they will be to support one another when and if a similar situation arises.

Below are some suggestions for how to engage students to assist with your showing.

We have provided a “Student Ambassador Help Sheet” for student ambassadors to help make their role as easy as possible - (link on right)


Student Organizations May Wish to Co-Sponsor Your Showing:

Every campus has a number of student-run organizations. Partnering with a student organization to co-sponsor your showing can be meaningful for both parties.


There May Be a Student on Your Campus Who Knew Clay, His Family or, May Have Their Own

Personal Experience with This Topic:
Clay's friends are everywhere and every personal connection to the film helps to make the impact even greater. If you decide to bring this documentary to your campus, reach out to your student body and encourage student participation.


Student Athlete / Athletic Department Participation:

Athletic Departments are just one great avenue to gain support of your showing. The most powerful way for students

to view this film, is by sitting side-by-side with their peers. Required team viewing provides this shoulder-to-shoulder experience we have found to be extremely impactful.

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